Saturday, November 22, 2008

piece 2

unfinished - i ran out of blue paint.

i can't figure out if i like it or not, yet. i guess i'll see when i'm done with it. i do like the arm, though
and it's really dark/ liney and i have yet to determine if i like it that way or want to make it more realistic.
i think it looks better in person, too.

so far i'm diggin my concentration more this year than last years
but i don't think i would have allowed myself to try a more realistic and accurate style last year because i was pretty caught up in abstraction and texture.

i have a couple more skin fold ideas, but i have yet to make them a reality
-upper back (male/ when shoulder blades are pushed together)
-arms crossed (male/ pec and arm relationships)
-legs crossed/ croch shot (female/ legs fold)
-a butt/ legs (female)
-a neck while a head is turning (either, we'll see)

Monday, November 17, 2008

summer art revisited

i'm still not 100% satisfied, but it's better in my eyes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

piece #1

it's just a start.

but oh well. i havent used graphite/pencil in a while and i'm kindof pleased.

update: still not finished [i have to wait until the super secret model is back in town, aka saturday] but mostly. the flash makes it look worse :[

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senior year vs. Sophomore year. haha.

i've loosened up a bit :]
[left-senior, right-sophomore]

Friday, October 24, 2008


focusing on folds/ creases in skin
aka fat

i'm excited for it.
although as ms mcbride suggested, if i get sick of humans it could just turn into creases/cracks in general. probably not, though.
and i'm not sure what i'm actually going to work on in class. maybe my breadth section.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

5 people!

Miro, Johns, Close, Rothko, Klimt

summer art, finally

i'm so bad. oops. i don't even have pictures of all of them, especially in their current states.

Friday, June 13, 2008

so i don't know if you would even think to look at this in the summer, ms. mcbride

but here's some art i had around my house - the ones from the last life drawing session, a couple background things i did at school, a few sketchbook pages - and i was wondering what of it could work for my breadth. i know that they are in various states of completion, but i'd like to know what works.

Monday, May 19, 2008

////end of year

i can't wait for summer


this is the picture that i'm copying for the kiddos.
it's peter max... and it's pretty fly.
i don't know what they'll really get from it, besides that its a good example of some peter max/american pop art, and has the statue of liberty on it...
but i like it
still dont know what i'm doing for my individual piece, probably a self portrait or something

Sunday, April 27, 2008



i know i've already paid for the ap test and all

but now that i've turned in my final pieces

i've reached a point of indecision.

i know that my concentration is not that good

i could have done better, i just work slowly (too slowly).

and i don't want to not pass and waste some pictures i could use for next year

because they would be nice to have...

hm. i guess i should, but i really don't want to regret it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


so i've got my old man figured out
i just need to go over the backround in ink and shade the face

but i'm at a loss [and this sucks]
as to what to do for my second piece.

i'm entertaining the thought of doing
fear of failure
over a backround of notepaper/writing?
and perhaps paint/draw a stressed out face?

eh. i'll probably end up doing it and not liking it
but as of yet, i don't really have the luxury of coming up with a decent idea.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

some recent sketchbookie things.

these are three sketchbook assignments that i kindofmaybealittle like the result of.


the color isn't the best in this picture - its a very bright magenta and yellow combination in truth...

it's a bit of a stretch, calling this "the figure: simply" oh well, though.

on a seperate, unrelated note
i'm currently working on a graphite drawing of an old man's profile
[fear of aging]
but i'm hitting a wall when it comes to the background. blehhhh.
ideas/suggestions would be wonderful

Sunday, January 27, 2008


i am reaallllyy not feeling my concentration

i can't be too subtle about what the fears are, or no one will understand
but it gets wayy cheezy if i have to use symbols to express them

fear of commitment: a hand [that is reaching out] with a wedding ring and pictures of people kissing/fighting in the backround.

because no one would understand it without the people? or the ring? mreh.

i don't dig it.